Estate and Gift Tax
In conjunction with estate planning and probate and trust administration, we prepare federal gift tax returns and federal and state estate tax returns. We direct clients to experienced appraisers and other professionals whose services may be needed.
Income Tax
The Firm has substantial expertise in income tax planning for corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and other business entities. We advise business clients regarding the tax aspects of acquisitions, reorganizations, liquidations, and redemptions. Our clients seek our advice on structuring business arrangements and other transactions in the most tax-efficient manner.
Tax Controversies
We represent clients in resolving disputes with state and federal taxing authorities at audit, administrative appeal, and in formal litigation, including preparing protests and pleadings, participating in settlement negotiations with government representatives and drafting settlement agreements. We work with accounting firms to project different possible outcomes of tax disputes so that our clients will be able to decide which course of action to take based on an informed cost-benefit analysis.